Creative Wellbeing for Menopause Workshop


At Debbie Bryan | Nottingham

Price £0
Times 17:30 - 19:30

The fourth session of our collaborative Creative Wellbeing for Menopause workshop program – led by established artist and experienced art psychotherapist, Sue Bulmer. During this workshop you will be supported in how to use Creative Journaling to make sense of your life changes and emotions and improve your wellbeing. With Sue’s guidance you will make a personal sketchbook journal, using several creative techniques which you will apply to your journal pages during the workshop and continue at your leisure.

During your workshop with Sue, you will also have the opportunity to create your own cyanotype print with the Debbie Bryan team. Sharing with you how this scientific-come-creative process works before making your one of a kind print to use in your sketchbook journal. Using beautiful lace fabrics and trim, vintage and nostalgic objects and text personal to you.

All materials of provided, although your are welcome to bring your own.

4-6 St Peter's Gate, 1st floor, Nottingham
Nottingham , NG1 2JG

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