Gold Leaf Crafternoon


At Debbie Bryan | Nottingham

Price £38 - £0
Times 11:00 - 15:00

Book your Crafternoon online and pick a date to visit during our opening hours. 

Gilding is a fantastic technique that adds a luxurious look to many materials. We’ve created a Crafternoon using this beautiful technique on your choice of round or square slate coaster.

Everything is provided for your creative time with us, including tea, coffee or cordial with brownie – or enjoy alongside our popular Afternoon Tea service!


What’s provided for your Gold Leaf Crafternoon

- 10cm round or 10x10cm square slate coaster
- Imitation gold, silver and bronze leaf
- Metal leaf adhesive
- 3 x Gold Line brushes: no. 2, 8 and 12
- Illustrative design sheet: A4 double sided, designed by Debbie Bryan, printed in the UK
- How-To postcard: A6, designed by Debbie Bryan, printed in the UK

Debbie_Bryan_gold_leaf_crafternoon 1800px-114337.jpg

4-6 St Peter's Gate, 1st floor, Nottingham
Nottingham , NG1 2JG

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