Make your own Pin Cushion


At Debbie Bryan | Nottingham

Price £42 - £0
Times 12:00 - 14:30

Looking for a home for those runaway pins? With a hand-picked variety of lavish linens, laces and threads, hand-stitch your own perfect pin cushion.
Choose from an array of textile techniques to create your piece. Alongside learning how to gild or hand-paint a vintage patisserie tin form a unique pin cushion base.

Enjoy with a lunch of homemade seasonal soup with ciabatta bread, and your choice of tea or freshly ground coffee.

What’s provided for your Make your own Pin Cushion Creative Class
Vintage paterissie tin
In-house designed linens
Repurposed fabrics curated from our collection of non-virgin materials
Embroidery and sewing threads

Skill level – suitable for all levels

4-6 St Peter's Gate, 1st floor, Nottingham
Nottingham , NG1 2JG

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