Bumper Blyton


At Djanogly Theatre

Price £16
Times 19:30 - 19:30

Improvised Adventures for Grown-Ups


Saturday 18th November, 7:30pm

Djanogly Theatre, Lakeside Arts
£16 per ticket
2 hours including interval
Suitable for ages 14+
Warning: includes innuendo


A riotous improvised parody chock full of puns and lashings of innuendo, in the style of the nation’s favourite author, Enid Blyton.


A cast of the UK’s best-known improvisers invents a hilarious improvised adventure live on the hoof based on audience suggestions. Performed in vintage costume with music and songs, the show offers a tongue-in-cheek homage. It’s Enid Blyton…for grown ups!


University of Nottingham, Lakeside Arts Centre, University Boulevard

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