Four Go Wild In Wellies


At Djanogly Theatre

Price £8 - £8.5
Times 13:00 - 15:30

A whimsical theatre performance by Indepen-dance.


Sunday 22nd October, 1pm and 3:30pm

Djanogly Theatre, Lakeside Arts

30 minutes (no interval)
Suitable for ages 4-7


A whimsical adventure featuring bobble hats, scarves, tents that have a life of their own and, of course, lots of fun in wellies! Four Go Wild in Wellies playfully explores how friendships are built, broken and mended, and the joy of inventiveness and curiosity.


There will also be a free drop-in craft session Design Your Dream Wellies! Sunday 22 October, 12noon-3pm at Lakeside Arts.

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University of Nottingham, Lakeside Arts Centre, University Boulevard

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