Joby Burgess


At Djanogly Theatre

Price £18
Times 19:30 - 20:40

Combining a multi-genre passion for contemporary western music with explorations of ancient global traditions, Joby Burgess has done much to foster the art of percussion” - BBC Music Magazine


Wednesday 11 October, 7:30pm

Djanogly Theatre, Lakeside Arts

£18 per ticket
1 hour 10 minutes (no interval)


‘Percussionist extraordinaire Joby Burgess’ performs A Percussionist’s Songbook – a collection of specially commissioned ‘songs without words’ from John Metcalfe, Tunde Jegede, Dario Marianelli, Yazz Ahmed, Graham Fitkin, Dobrinka Tabakova and Gabriel Prokofiev. Scored for an arsenal of pitched percussion and electronics the songbook is inspired by texts ranging from the poetry of Robert Graves and Birago Diop to novels by Michael Ondaatje and Isaac Asimov; American philosopher Michael Sandel, songwriter Peter Gabriel, United Nations population growth statistics and Saudi Arabian folk tales.


University of Nottingham, Lakeside Arts Centre, University Boulevard

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