Siobhan Miller


At Djanogly Theatre

Price £20
Times 19:30 - 21:30

Experience the hugely celebrated folk singer-songwriter, Siobhan Miller


Wednesday 4th October, 7:30pm

Djanogly Theatre, Lakeside Arts

£20 per ticket
2 hours including interval

Don’t miss this opportunity to experience one of Scotland’s most celebrated folk singer-songwriters, Siobhan Miller, along with two of Scotland’s finest musicians, Innes White on guitar and Charlie Stewart on fiddle. With four Scots Singer of the Year titles and a BBC Radio 2 Folk Award, Siobhan’s discography boasts five acclaimed solo releases – most recently, 2022’s Bloom which deftly balances traditional song with modern influences.


University of Nottingham, Lakeside Arts Centre, University Boulevard

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