Zoe's Peculiar Journey Through Time


At Djanogly Theatre

Price £8.5 - £10
Times 12:00 - 13:05

Zoe's Perculiar Journey Through Time - a children's theatre show


Sunday 15th October, 12noon and 3pm

Djanogly Theatre, Lakeside Arts

1 hour 5 minutes (no interval)
Suitable for ages 6+


Zoe loves meeting up with friends, but one day as she’s getting ready, something very peculiar happens…


Catapulted one hundred years into the future, Zoe finds herself on a mysterious island made of plastic waste. With no time to think before her real adventures begin, she sets off to explore – solving riddles, meeting wonderful creatures, and helping new friends out of trouble.

Join us for this magical tale exploring themes of friendship and the environment, and featuring Theatre-Rites’ award-winning puppetry.


Check out the What's Lurking Underneath? recycled craft workshop on Sunday 15 October also at Lakeside Arts.


University of Nottingham, Lakeside Arts Centre, University Boulevard

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