Adventures In Poetry: Alan Baker and Carrie Etter


At Five Leaves Bookshop

Price £0 - £4.5
Times 19:00 - 20:30

The first in a series of four Adventures in Poetry events during 2025, with four Nottingham-based poets reading with a specially invited guest of their own choosing. The poets will read, chat, and answer questions from the audience. The series kicks off here, with Alan Baker and his guest Carrie Etter.

Carrie Etter’s Grief’s Alphabet is an elegy for the poet’s mother, opening a pathway through grief in spite of the impossible task of expressing such a loss.

Alan Baker was born and raised in Newcastle-upon-Tyne and has lived in Nottingham since 1985. He runs the poetry publisher Leafe Press and its associated magazine, Litter. His recent collections include Riverrun, a book of modernist sonnets about the River Trent in its Nottinghamshire stretch, Tyneside dialect poetry and A Book of Odes dealing with migration and the social and political histories of the north and midlands.

Refreshments included

Adventures in Poetry is grateful for the financial support of the Nottingham Poetry Society


14a Long Row, Nottingham

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