Change Everything, With Natalie Bennett


At Five Leaves Bookshop

Price £4 - £10.99
Times 19:00 - 20:30

A practical guide to rethinking the way we live, for a fairer future.

From organising a litter pick or petitioning for a pedestrian crossing, from rethinking the financial markets and tax havens to re-evaluating the criminal justice system, Natalie has formulated a holistic, hopeful and practical vision for the future where people can really ‘do politics’.


“This book is a tonic! Positively bristling with countless common-sense solutions to restore human and planetary wellbeing, Change Everything powerfully sets out what needs to be done and how to do it. Both practical and hopeful, it’s essential reading for anyone who wants a route map to a fairer, greener future.” – Caroline Lucas, Green Party MP for Brighton


Natalie makes a return visit to Five Leaves. She was impressive the first time outlining the problems we face, now let’s hear the positive side!


Refreshments are complementary


14a Long Row, Nottingham

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