Dandelions at the Bookshop


At Five Leaves Bookshop

Price £4 - £0
Times 19:00 - 20:30

Dandelions Poetry is back at Five Leaves for our special reading between Christmas and New Year. Come and join us for a  dose of poetry at the ‘in between’ time of year.


We are very pleased to have Rory Waterman as our featured poet. Rory has four collections of poetry published by Carcanet press. Come Here to This Gate, his fourth collection, was published in 2024. Rory’s poems have been published in the Times Literary Supplement, Poetry Review, The Best British Poetry, PN Review, the Guardian and the Financial Times. He is also a reviewer, critic and Associate Professor in Modern and Contemporary Literature at Nottingham Trent University.


We will have our usual friendly and supportive open mic, so come and share your poems with us.

To book a space in the open mic please email: dandelionspoetry@gmail.com.


This is probably the only poetry event between Christmas and New Year in Nottingham, and probably the world.


Refreshments included. We promise no left over mince pies.


14a Long Row, Nottingham

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