Nottingham Pagan Book Club Reads the Modern Craft: Powerful Voices On Witchcraft Ethics

Tuesday 25 March 2025

At Five Leaves Bookshop

Price Free
Times 19:00 - 20:30

Five Leaves hosts the Nottingham Pagan Book Club, a reading group for those interested in Pagan literature, both modern and classical. The group is open to anyone who would like to discuss books from a pagan perspective, be they long-time pagans or just curious about exploring pagan spirituality. 


The book is available from Five Leaves Bookshop for 15% off but feel free to get it elsewhere (including the library) if you’d prefer. To access the discount, email your order to or come by the shop.


For this month’s discussion, we will focus on just a couple of essays, to be announced in mid-February. If there’s a particular essay you would like to discuss, please email the shop by 21st Feb.

from the publisher:


This eclectic collection of essays on responsible witchcraft is a fascinating snapshot of contemporary occult practice. Essay topics include the ethics of decolonization, meditations on what it means to honour Mother Earth during the Anthropocene, the reclamation of agency for working-class and queer witches through practical spellwork, a gender-fluid perspective on breaking down traditional hierarchies in magical symbolism, a day in the life of a disabled Pagan Irish practitioner, and so much more.


These essays show how we can all find inspiration and a force for powerful change in the modern Craft.



14a Long Row, Nottingham

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