Poetry from Charlotte Eichler, Elvire Roberts and Carol Rowntree-Jones


At Five Leaves Bookshop

Price £0
Times 19:00 - 20:30

Charlotte returns to her old stomping ground of Nottingham with her first full collection of poetry, published by Carcanet. She will be joined by two other local poets in a reading that will explore their  life and relationships through the lens of nature.

Charlotte Eichler studied English Literature and Russian at the University of Nottingham. She has an MA in Norse and Viking Studies, also from Nottingham. Her debut pamphlet, Their Lunar Language, was published by Valley Press in 2018 and a selection of her work was featured in Carcanet’s New Poetries VIII in 2021. Her debut collection, Swimming Between Islands, was published by Carcanet in 2023. She now lives near Leeds.

Elvire Roberts is a poet from the LGBTQ+ community, based in Nottingham, where she works  as a signed language interpreter. She has  MAs in Oriental Studies from Cambridge University and Creative Writing from Nottingham Trent University. In 2018, she was a Writing East Midlands mentee under the poet Harriet Tarlo. Her poems have appeared in a variety of publications including Envoi, Finished Creatures, Magma, Reliquiae, The Rialto, Tentacular and the Candlestick Press anthology Ten Poems About Getting Older. She has just finished editing a collaborative collection with the poet Rachel Goodman.

Carol Rowntree Jones (http://www.carolrowntreejones.com),  is a Nottinghamshire poet who is working on a collection about the National Forest.

14a Long Row, Nottingham

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