Queering the Asian Diaspora, With Hongwei Bao


At Five Leaves Bookshop

Price £0 - £11
Times 19:00 - 20:30

Please join Dr Hongwei Bao from the University of Nottingham to celebrate the launch of his new book Queering the Asian Diaspora: East and Southeast Asian Sexuality, Identity and Cultural Politics (Sage).


The COVID-19 pandemic intensified geopolitical tensions, bringing Sinophobia and anti-Asian racism into sharp focus. At the same time, a growing Asian diasporic consciousness is emerging worldwide, celebrating Asian identity and cultural heritage. Yet, in the space between anti-Asian racism and the rise of Asian advocacy, the voices of queer people have often been largely missing.


This book and this talk addresses that gap. Exploring art, fashion, performance, film, and political activism, Bao offers intersectional cultural politics—anti-nationalist, anti-racist, decolonial, feminist, and queer—that challenges dominant narratives and amplifies marginalized voices.


Hongwei Bao will be joined by Delayna Spencer, editor of the ‘Social Science for Social Justice’ book series at Sage. The series provides a platform for academics, journalists, and activists of colour to respond to pressing social issues.


Dr Hongwei Bao is a queer Chinese writer and academic based in Nottingham. He teaches Media Studies at the University of Nottingham. He is the author of five nonfiction books, three edited collections including Queer Literature in the Sinosphere (Bloomsbury). He launched his poetry book The Passion of the Rabbit God (Verve) earlier this year at Five Leaves.


Refreshments provided


14a Long Row, Nottingham

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