Screenwriting and Scriptwriting, With John Yorke


At Five Leaves Bookshop

Price £0 - £4
Times 19:00 - 20:30

John Yorke is a leading television producer and script editor. His previous roles have included controller of BBS Drama and head of Channel 4 Drama. He is also author of the bestselling Into the Woods: How Stories Work and Why We Tell Them (Penguin, 2014). John will be interviewed by NTU senior lecturer in screenwriting and leading screenwriter William Ivory, alongside a student from NTU’s MA Creative Writing.


John is the UK’s leading expert on narrative and has spent years analysing how stories work and why they resonate with audiences worldwide. William Ivory’s films include Made in Dagenham.

In conjunction with the creative writing hub at Nottingham Trent


Refreshments included

Tickets are free to NTU students and staff, £4.00 to everyone else


14a Long Row, Nottingham

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