Shoulder to Shoulder, With Jake Hall


At Five Leaves Bookshop

Price £3 - £10.99
Times 19:00 - 20:30

Solidarity is everywhere, if you look closely enough


Shoulder to Shoulder is a love letter to the LGBTQ+ pioneers of solidarity and coalition. Offering a new global look at our histories of standing together and opening the door to moments where we worked through difference to build a better future for everyone.

Through  research and storytelling, author and journalist Jake Hall takes us into the world of these trailblazers, bringing their tales to life and exploring both the inexplicable joys and brutal realities in their fights for justice.


Spanning movements from the Black Panthers coalition with the Gay Liberation Front in the US to queer solidarity groups in Argentina, Spain, France and Germany; from trans fights for abortion rights to the Pride support for miners strikes in the UK, Shoulder to Shoulder will show that the stories of marginalised activists have always been intertwined and highlights how comradery will always be the best option for joint liberation.


Jake Hall is a Sheffield-based author, but also a trustee for the Nottingham City of Literature

Shoulder to Shoulder is published in paperback this month


Refreshments included


14a Long Row, Nottingham

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