Art Club Extra // Monthly art classes for ages 11-16


At The Harley Gallery & Portland Collection

Price £70 - £0
Times 10:00 - 12:00

Saturdays, monthly
10.00am - 12.00noon
The Education Studio
For ages 11-16

Art Club Extra is for older children and young people aged 11-16 (high school age) to develop their understanding of art, and to explore different ways to express themselves.

They will gain an understanding of what it is to think like, and be an artist. This is a great extension for those studying GCSE art at school, or just for fun.

These sessions are run by experienced Harley Studio Artist Ruth Waller, who has a passion for sharing skills and encouraging creativity in everyone.

£70 for the 10 session course.

The Harley Gallery , The Courtyard at Welbeck , Welbeck
S80 3LW

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