Art Club // Monthly sessions for ages 6-11

Today - Saturday 8 July 2023

At The Harley Gallery & Portland Collection

Price £70 - £0

Saturdays, monthly
10.00am – 12.00noon or 1.30pm – 3.30pm
The Education Studio
For ages 6-11

Children aged 6–11 will spend the monthly art club sessions having fun and getting creative in a variety of different ways.

They will develop their understanding of art and artists while learning making skills. Art Club helps children to gain confidence and understanding for art and creativity... and make new friends in the process.

These sessions are run by experienced Harley Studio Artist Ruth Waller, who has a passion for sharing skills and encouraging creativity in everyone.

£70 for the 10 session course.

The Harley Gallery , The Courtyard at Welbeck , Welbeck
S80 3LW

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