Unseen Treasures of The Portland Collection

Today - Wednesday 31 December 2025

At The Harley Gallery & Portland Collection

Price Free

This exhibition offers a new, revealing look at the world-class Portland Collection of art.

The museum will be filled to the brim with fascinating art and objects, a giant cabinet of curiosities. There will be silver and tapestry, paintings and jewels; art that has come home after a long loan to a prestigious national gallery, and stunning star items that visitors know and love – such as Michelangelo’s ‘Madonna of Silence’ or the pearl earring worn by Charles I at his execution.

A highlight of the display is a Picture Gallery, stacked with Tudor and Jacobean portraits – many of which have never been seen publicly before.

The Harley Gallery , The Courtyard at Welbeck , Welbeck
S80 3LW

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