The Hare and the Moon


At Highfields Park

Price £0
Times 15:00 - 15:45

Presented by The Fabularium 

Approx. 45 minutes (no interval)  
University Park, behind DHL Pavilion*  
Suitable for ages 5-12  

When the sun disappears from the Tundra sky, the Arctic animals band together to find it. But are the strongest creatures best equipped for the task? Maybe someone with long ears that is faster, smarter, and more agile is required. With music, puppets and songs, come to hear the story of Leapa the fearless Arctic Hare as they save the realm from a villainous beast; brings the light back to the day and makes the night sky glow! 

The Fabularium will also be leadin our Make a Play in a Week Summer School from 8-11 August. Find out more here:

*In the case of inclement weather the performances will take place indoors 

University Boulevard, Lenton, Nottingham

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