Be Board this Bank Holiday
Get down to Inham Nook Recreation Ground this Bank Holiday to take part in Inham Nook Skill Fest: two days of expert-led workshop sessions aimed at young people (and the young-at-heart) in Skateboarding, Wall Art, and Rap.
Four, two-hour sessions over Sunday and Monday are run by professionals and experienced trainers: Skateboarding by Skate Nottingham; Wall Art by Ivan Bainbridge, and Rap by Kingdom Rapper! Everyone will be encouraged to get stuck in and be involved – all kit and equipment is provided.
So whether it’s improving your technique, unleashing new skills or brushing up on a lost talent, come along and join in – spaces are limited, so you must book in advance.
Everyone is welcome to come down to 'the Rec’ and join the vibe. Family and friends can join in the fun of the workshops. The Phoenix FC Pavilion will also be open to serve refreshments.
Beeston Civic Society, supported by Shared Prosperity Funding from the UK Government, has organised this free culture event for the local community – and they acknowledge the help, dedication and support of Phoenix FC, Broxtowe Borough Council, Skate Nottingham, Kingdom Rapper, and Ivan Bainbridge in making it happen.