Wso Nottingham Fundraiser for St Ann's and Sneinton Foodstore

Sunday 6 October 2024

At JT Soar

Price £10
Times 19:00 - 22:00

Absolutely delighted to announce details of this WSO fundraiser for St Ann's and Sneinton food store. Joining us will be: Joe Solo, Boss Caine, George Gadd, and Bele.

We Shall Overcome is a nationwide umbrella group, organising and hosting fundraising events to help put something back where austerity and cuts have taken away. The people help the people. Our motto is: raised fist and helping hand. Raised fist because we're angry about the human cost of political decisions. Helping hand because that anger motivates us to do something about it. Since October 2015 the movement has organised more than 1100 gigs up and down the UK and beyond, raising an estimated £750,000 in cash, food, clothing and bedding for those hardest hit. During Covid, we hosted the Isolation Fest raising £30,000 to help vital rough sleeper support keep going. These events are solidarity, not charity. Please do bring a bag of foodbank donations. Wishlist to follow.


Aberdeen Street, Nottingham

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