Reimag(in)ing the Victorians

Today - Sunday 7 January 2024

At Lakeside Arts

Price Free
Times 10:00 - 16:00



Open Tuesday-Saturday, 10am-4pm
Sunday, 12noon-4pm
Closed Mondays
Djanogly Gallery
Admission free


From taxidermy and photography to forgotten lives and colonial histories, this exhibition explores how leading contemporary artists reimagine the Victorians in their work. By exploring how artists creatively respond to the 19th century, the exhibition asks why its legacies still matter today.


Through the display of work by artists including Yinka Shonibare, Sally Mann, Mark Dion, Ingrid Pollard, Polly Morgan and Tessa Farmer, alongside Victorian taxidermy and images by 19th-century practitioners like John James Audubon and Julia Margaret Cameron, the exhibition invites viewers to rediscover the Victorians through contemporary paintings, sculptures and photographs that reimag(in)e them in ‘the present’.


University Park, Nottingham

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