Spartan Gynecocracy?: the Myths and Reality Behind Spartan Female License and Power


At Lakeside Arts

Price £3
Times 13:00 - 14:00

Djanogly Theatre  

£3 (free concessions)  

The Spartans' supposedly powerful and licentious females have long been a source of fascination – the most well-known example being it's famed Helen who left her Spartan husband for a Trojan love. In this talk, Ellen Millender, Omar & Althea Hoskins Professor of Greek, Latin, and Ancient Mediterranean Studies and Humanities at Reed College, and Fulbright University of Nottingham Scholar 2023-24, offers a reassessment of such popular images in order to illuminate the extent to which Sparta and its men were, as Aristotle claimed, ruled by women. 

Spartan Gynecocracy 800 x 600-114354.jpg

University Park, Nottingham

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