Workshop: Music Making Madness

Today - Friday 3 November 2023

At Lakeside Arts

Price £65
Times 10:00 - 15:00

A 3-day kids workshop where you create music using different instruments


Wednesday 1st November - Friday 3rd November
Performing Arts Studio & Visual Arts Studio, Lakeside Arts

£65 per person
Suitable for ages 9-14*


Work with members of DeepDown Brass, a six-piece brass and drums group with a huge repertoire of brassy pop hits, to make music madness using real instruments and percussion made from rubbish. Over three days create your own unique rhythms, all ending in a joint final performance.


*All musical abilities are welcome. If you play an instrument then bring it with you (but don’t worry if not, they have plenty).

music madness-114354.jpg

University Park, Nottingham

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