Terrarium Workshop


At Liquid Light Brew Co Tap Room

Price £50 - £0
Times 14:00 - 15:30

Learn how to make your own closed terrarium in this 90 minute Terrarium workshop, hosted by Sap Plants at Liquid Light Brew Co Taproom, Nottingham.

You are booking to attend on Saturday 3rd June at 2pm.

In this workshop you will be provided with everything you need to make your own bottled garden:

- Glass bottle & Cork.

- A selection of terrarium friendly plants.

- An illustrated care card.

The workshop will begin with a step by step demonstration from Chan, who will explain each step thoroughly.

After the demonstration you will then build your own terrarium at your own pace, Chan will be available for assistance and advice throughout.

Please note that due to participants working at different speeds, some people may finish before others.

Chan invites you to stick around and ask any plant care questions you might have, it's a nice oppurtunity to get to know other plant enthusiasts and share tips and tricks.

Before booking your place on the workshop please note the following:

- You will build a closed terrarium, the shape of the vessel may change for each workshop depending on stock levels.

- The tools provided are for use during the workshop only and should not leave the workshop space.

- If you are unable to attend the workshop for any reason, please provide at least 48 hours notice to arrange transferring your ticket to another date.

Unit 9 Robin Hood Industrial Estate, Alfred Street South, Nottingham

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