Nightmare! Nightmare! Kill! Kill! Drag Variety Show With Benthic Zone, Doxxie Phisher and Binjuice

Thursday 13 March 2025

At The Lord Roberts

Price £8.5 - £12
Times 20:00 - 22:00

Nottingham's wizard queen BENTHIC ZONE and Derbyshire's cybergirl DOXXIE PHISHER invite you to NIGHTMARE! NIGHTMARE! KILL! KILL!, a wild drag variety show that merges performance, viewing party and game show. 

With special guest host, Binjuice! 

“Binjuice has been lingering about the drag scene for a couple years now but has disappeared into the shadows recently. Ready for a return, they're here to deliver their usual bombastic classic clowney chaos. Make way for Binjuice, 'cause there's gonna be a splash”


24 Broad Street, Nottingham

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