Lush Party Experience Workshop

Today - Wednesday 16 August 2023

At Lush Nottingham

Price £15
Times 14:00 - 14:45

Join us at LUSH Nottingham at 2pm til 2:45pm on Wednesday the 9th and 16th of August for our LUSH party experience workshops. You will be hosted for 45 mintues by an expereinced staff member who will give you an insight on the parties we offer in store. This will include bath bomb making, LUSH party games and a goody bag with an exclusive product. Tickets will cost £15 and will be paid on the day.


Book your spot today to avoid disappointment. We can't wait to welcome you into store!




Please arrive at the start time of the ticket


If you are running late or need to cancel your ticket, please contact us on 0115 924 1315. Also if there is any allergies/special requirements we need to be aware of, please give us a call on the number listed above.

17a Clumber Street, Nottingham

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