Upcycled Craft Workshop


At Lush Nottingham

Price Free
Times 10:00 - 12:00

Join us at LUSH Nottingham between to take part in exciting craft workshops between 10am til 12pm. There will be two different time slots: 10am and 11am every Wednesday from the 2nd of August to the 30th of August to take part in exciting craft workshops. These are the following upcycled craft workshops we will be doing throughout the summer holidays:  


Week 1- 2nd of August: Bird feeders (contains nuts)


Week 2- 9th of August: Cardboard bookmarks


Week 3- 16th of August: LUSH recycled plant pots


Week 4- 23rd of August: Bird feeders (contains nuts)


Week 5- 30th of August: Cardboard bookmarks


These crafting sessions will be free and all materials will be provided.


Come along and get creative with us! Book your time slot to avoid disappointment!

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17a Clumber Street, Nottingham

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