Crazy Little Sing Called Pub - Live at Malt Cross


At Malt Cross

Price £12
Times 19:30 - 21:30



We get it. You *CAN* sing, but only in the shower… or the car… or when you’ve had a few drinks.

Well, get out of that bathroom, leave your wheels at home, definitely DO grab those drinks at the bar & COME SING WITH US!


We don’t care if you’re a bit ropey- you’ll be led in song by someone who knows what they’re talking about. Abi Moore will (im)politely guide, cajole and, if necessary, HEAVE your voice out of you. Whether you’re a high, middle or low singer - or even if you have no idea- your voice is needed and welcomed. 


We’re going to sing an epic pop/ rock pub anthem and make a harmonised choir out of a bunch of total strangers. You won’t believe the sound you’ll make - and we’ll film it to prove it wasn’t just a drunken dream! NB- At this event we will LIVESTREAM the final take, so you can see what you achieved and share it with your friends as soon as you've finished!


Music, drinks, laughter and random people coming together to create something amazing. You don’t need anything except your voice, your ears, and well… maybe a few drinks!

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16 St James's Street, Nottingham

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