Agnès Varda's Vagabond + Talk On Soil by Dr Marcello Di Bonito


At Mammoth - A Climate Action Cinema

Price £5 - £7
Times 19:00 - 21:30

Agnès Varda's Golden Lion-winning Vagabond (1985) pieces together the final months and movements of defiant drifter Mona through the eyes of the people she meets on the road. A rambling road movie, Vagabond is also an accidental 'dirty movie', showcasing the significance of soil as an agricultural resource, an academic subject and dirt under the fingernails.


Dr Marcello di Bonito (NTU/University of Bologna) will join us for the screening and introduce the fundamentals of soil, discussing how we might cultivate better press for this vital yet overlooked resource.


This event has been organised by NTU's Centre for the Study of Inequality, Culture and Difference and will include a brief introduction to the film by Dr Francesca Hardy, Senior Lecturer in Film and Television.

25 Broad Street, Nottingham

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