Click Click


At Mammoth - A Climate Action Cinema

Price £2 - £10
Times 18:30 - 20:30

Click Click, a documentary on the career of legendary Malmö skate photographer Nils Svensson by filmmaker Phil Evans.


The film chronicles the photographic career of Malmö's Nils Svensson, spanning over three decades and documenting the ever evolving Malmö skate scene and the characters that have emerged from the city's DIY culture. Although Nils has been a master of his craft for years, he never pursued it professionally. He opted instead to work with Bryggeriet, the organisation that is the heartbeat of the Malmö skate scene. On the side of developing skateparks, contests, spots and a relationship with the city council, he also managed to take time to document Malmö's legendary DIY spots, parks and the skaters that emerged from these spots such as Pontus Alv, Oski and many more.
While Nils photographic talents took him further afield to shoot campaigns for shoe brands and projects with Polar, he always remained rooted in Malmö. It is here today, where he finds himself questioning his relevance. Nils recently turned 50 and although he is well respected he finds himself doubting his involvement in a traditionally young culture. Will he hang up his camera after three decades or will his friend's convince him to keep on going?

The documentary is brought to Mammoth - A Climate Action Cinema by Skate Nottingham, that will join us to present their work on the local skate scene, how Malmö as a city has inspired what they do, and their action plan for 2024 in trying to combat the problems Nottingham is faced with at the minute.

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25 Broad Street, Nottingham

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