Green Screens? an Immersive Investigation Into the Environmental Impact Of Digital Technologies


At Mammoth - A Climate Action Cinema

Price Free
Times 10:00 - 15:00

This installation is part of our Open Day for Green Hustle 2024!

Join us for this free, 25 minute interactive VR and hologram experience which will introduce you to the sustainability tensions around immersive and digital technologies. Be transported from a bedroom desk to inner workings of a VR headset! Reflect on your own digital technology footprint through the medium of hologram, and then commit to floppy disc climate pledges. 
Due to the nature of the climate research included within this experience, it is best suited to individuals over 13. 


This immersive experience has been created as part of a Researcher in Residence Programme at the Virtual and Immersive Production Studio at the University of Nottingham. It has been created by Dr Nina Willment, an environmental and cultural geographer interested in the intersections between environmental sustainability and digital technologies. 

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25 Broad Street, Nottingham

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