Mammoth Mending Workshop


At Mammoth - A Climate Action Cinema

Price £5 - £10
Times 14:00 - 16:00


In this workshop Mammoth becomes a pop-up clothing repair salon, a welcoming place to bring your missing buttons, holey socks, rips and tears. 


Everyone is welcome, whatever their level of experience. We can help you to think about what type of repair is needed for your items and, if needed, teach you the basics of hand stitching or the more specialist technique of darning. We’ll also have a sewing machine on hand.

A range of materials and equipment will be supplied, but feel free to bring your own if preferred - as well as your items for repair. 


Mammoth Mending Workshops are supported by staff and students linked to the Fashion & Textile Research Centre at Nottingham School of Art & Design.

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25 Broad Street, Nottingham

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