Nottingham Film Festival - Mix Programme


At Mammoth - A Climate Action Cinema

Price £4 - £10
Times 18:00 - 19:30


Our lives rarely end up fitting in one category. So do short films. 
This mixed programme brings us on a journey through time and identities, from a 12-year-old desperate to save his beloved dog in the shadow of World War II and a modern mid 40s freelancer desperately (and comedically) in need of some work, to a grandmother with mid-stage Alzheimer’s disease in search of a family heirloom.


Blondi’s War 

(Dir: Lee Dilley, Sid Jenkins) - Derby, United Kingdom - 12:12min 

[INSERT SHORT FILM TITLE] (Dir: Kory Orban) - Vancouver, Canada - 12:21min 

Seeing Read (Dir: Beth Perkin, Natasha Perkin) - Lowerstoft, United Kingdom - 7min 

Half the World is Sleeping - (Dir:Yuchen Peng) - University of Nottingham, United Kingdom - 13:57min 

The Trail (Dir: Joseph Ollman) - London, United Kingdom - 13:30min 

JUST BE AWESOME (Dir: Ed Kear) - London, United Kingdom - 13:33min 


25 Broad Street, Nottingham

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