Nottingham Film Festival - Queer Programme


At Mammoth - A Climate Action Cinema

Price £4 - £10
Times 15:00 - 16:30


From quiet personal acts to organised resistance, queer folks are pushing back and making space within the multitude of spaces they inhabit. For this programme, we have put together the best short films centering queer experience: join us for an evening with everything from comedy to documentaries to gut-wrenching drama!


Gilipollas (Dir: Joan Bentallé) - Spain - 7:20min

Fabulous Femininities (Dir: Jonothon Lees) - United Kingdom - 20min

Clause (Dir: Scott Hurran) - London, United Kingdom - 6:28min

TICKER (Dir: Thom Petty) - Irthlingborough, United Kingdom - 9:10min

I FORGIVE YOU (Dir: Thom Seddon, Sarah Woolf) - Nottingham, United Kingdom - 13:41min

The Yellow Sponge is the Dish Sponge (Dir: Michele Noble) - United States - 16:39min


25 Broad Street, Nottingham

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