Who Killed the Electric Car? + In-person Q&a With Dan Caesar


At Mammoth - A Climate Action Cinema

Price £2 - £10
Times 19:00 - 21:30

In 1996, electric cars began to appear on roads all over California. They were quiet and fast, produced no exhaust, and ran without gasoline... Ten years later, these cars were destroyed.

Dan Caesar is the CEO of Fully Charged - an amazing organisation promoting all things renewable from EVs to E-Bikes, from Heat Pumps to Heat Batteries. He has kindly agreed to come to the cinema to host a post-film dicussion.

Fully Charged was started by Robert Llewellyn (Kryten from Red Dwarf) and is an uplifting YouTube channel with over a million subscribers. 

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25 Broad Street, Nottingham

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