BBC Music Introducing in the East Midlands


At Metronome

Price £0
Times 19:00


BBC Introducing in the East Midlands returns, giving you access to the best live and local music, for free. The show will be filmed and recorded for radio broadcast, hosted and curated by the legendary Dean Jackson.

Over the years we’ve hosted a number of upcoming local acts at our BBC Introducing events including Alfie Sharp, Alice Robbins, Arcades, Beau Presley, BRIA, Camille Christel, Catmilk, Celestines, Cucamaras, Deco, Don’t Forget Rupert,  El Brown, Ffion Rebecca, George Gretton, Good Hustles, Jacob Fowler, JED, Joey Collins, Kelsey and the Embers, Left Hand Lane, Marty, MELONYX,  Michael Aldag, Molly Ralph, Nactus Kunan, Reflekter,  Sancho Panza, Sian, Soft Girls and Boys Club, The Crying Violets, Vega Bay, Vona Vella and 60’s Nightclub.

The line-up for this edition will be announced soon.

Marco Island , Huntingdon Street, Nottingham

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