Hejira: Celebrating Joni Mitchell


At Metronome

Price £18 - £0
Times 19:00 - 23:00

Celebrating Joni Mitchell’s 80th Birthday, Metronome presents…

‘Hejira’ is a 7-piece band set up to celebrate and honour the masterpiece works of Joni Mitchell.

Much of the success of the group, Hejira, is down to Pete having selected a personnel that are not only great players in their own rights.

Comprising highly experienced jazz musicians, this band is fronted by the brilliant Hattie Whitehead who not only has – in her own way –  assimilated the poise, power and beauty of Joni’s vocals, but also plays guitar with Joni’s stylistic mannerisms. Expect an evening of the ‘great’ songs from Mitchell’s back catalogue!


Marco Island , Huntingdon Street, Nottingham

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