Jesca Hoop


At Metronome

Price £17.5
Times 19:00

Jesca Hoop is what you’d call a musician’s musician. Discovered by Tom Waits, and brought on tour by Peter Gabriel to sing in his band, it was a phone call from Elbow’s Guy Garvey that saw her move to the UK.


Her sixth album, ‘Order of Romance’, is a record that fortifies her position as one of the most striking and original voices in contemporary music. ‘Order of Romance’ is Hoop’s most intricate and finely balanced album to date, one that draws on classic song writing, recalling anything from Gershwin to Paul Simon, but creating something that is unmistakably, indelibly Jesca Hoop.


Once again Jesca teamed up with producer John Parish (PJ Harvey, Aldous Harding), her collaborator for 2019’s ‘Stonechild’. The result is a fruitful marriage of song craft and arrangement, brimming with a cinematic charm and lyrical wit that signify a new chapter full of new life for an artist who knows her mind, her heart and voice well enough to trust them in uncharted territory.


Marco Island , Huntingdon Street, Nottingham

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