Suntou Susso


At Metronome

Price £12
Times 19:00

In association with Acoustickle.


An incredible six-piece band of amazing musicians, Suntou Susso and his band are a must-see. The band is fronted by Suntou Susso (Kora, Lead Vocal, Percussion) with Tommy Kirby (Bass), Andy Christie (Guitar), Oli Mason (Drums), Daniel Somer (Keyboard) and Piers Tamplin (Saxophone, Backing Vocals).


Suntou Susso is a multi-instrumentalist: Kora player, percussionist, singer and composer from The Gambia. Born a Griot in a 700-year old tradition, the Kora – harp-lute with 22 strings – is unique to the Griots of the Mandinka people. Griots have a unique societal role as oral historians, transmitting and preserving a people’s culture through the generations in song, music and poetry.


Suntou’s family includes some of the world’s most well-respected West African musicians. His musical abilities are outstanding, perhaps unique for his generation. An in-demand and charismatic performer, he attracted attention as soon as he arrived on the UK music scene.


Suntou Susso’s sensational debut album, Kanèfonyo (Never give up) is out now. Suntou composed, arranged and produced the album before and during lockdown in Gambia and the UK with seven musicians in the UK and seven musicians in Gambia


Marco Island , Huntingdon Street, Nottingham

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