The Long Ryders

Monday 14 October 2024

At Metronome

Price £27.5
Times 19:30

The Long Ryders were the founders of Alt-country, a musical genre which did not exist before they burned so brightly in the eighties, and are a key link in the Americana chain, uniting Gram Parsons’ Flying Burrito Brothers with Wilco, The Black Crowes and The Jayhawks.


In 1984, their indie LP ‘Native Sons’ was the #1 alternative/College radio album in the USA, and they held the #2 spot on the UK’s indie charts. Their next album was ‘State Of Our Union’, featuring the classic single, ‘Looking For Lewis & Clark’.


The band return to celebrate the 40th anniversary of ‘Native Sons’ by performing the LP in its entirety for a limited run of concerts in the UK this autumn.


Marco Island , Huntingdon Street, Nottingham

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