Bowling for Soup


At Motorpoint Arena Nottingham

Price £42.5 - £110
Times 18:00 - 23:00

Pop punk legends, the Grammy nominated Bowling For Soup are coming to Nottingham Motorpoint Arena, celebrating 20 years of one of their most successful albums, the fantastic A Hangover You Don't Deserve.

Aptly named 'A Hangover You Don't Deserve 20th Anniversary Tour', Bowling For Soup will be playing the album in full, plus a host of other hits from their 30-year career.


If that's not enough exciting news, BFS are bringing Teenage Dirtbag creators Wheatus and rapidly rising Florida pop punk outfit Magnolia Park with them to make this the party of the year!

BFS Promo 2022 jodiphotography ORANGE-128354.jpg

Motorpoint Arena Nottingham, Bolero Square, Nottingham
Nottingham , NG1 1LA

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