Caged Heart Sculpture: Art Installation


At The National Justice Museum

Price £8.25 - £13.75
Times 10:00 - 17:00

This is part of the paid admission

The imposing sculpture currently exhibited in the museums exercise yard was designed and crafted in carpentry workshops at HMP Liverpool by 27 skilled men.


Part of the ‘Ingenuity’ project, the Caged Heart was inspired by one of our historic collection objects during a series of workshops. The sculpture evolved, from paper models to small wooden maquettes, to moving prototypes, across a series of workshops with each group passing ideas and techniques on to the next as people came and went. The men worked together at every stage, enhancing their own carpentry skills, and earning a City and Guilds in the process.


The Caged Heart will be in situ in the museum’s Exercise yard until 28th January 2024, as part of the Ingenuity exhibition. As this is an experimental piece of art, it is likely to weather with the changing seasons.


High Pavement, Nottingham

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