Crime Club - the Victorian Detective's Casebook


At The National Justice Museum

Price £11 - £13
Times 18:00 - 20:00

The Victorian Detective’s Casebook


After the successful Crime Club: From Watchmen to Bow Street and The Dawn of Investigation, we continue our exploration of the history of the police. Detectives were still a relatively new part of the police force in the Victorian era. Join our expert historical interpreter to explore some of the Victorian crimes they would have investigated, and discover some of the tools and tricks they used to track down a culprit.

Real crimes. Real stories. Real evidence.

Join us for the latest instalment of Crime Club on Thursday 26 September, a chance to discover more about infamous crime cases from history. Free drink included!

Tickets £13 full price/£11 concessions* – Booking essential. 

This event is suitable for over 18s only, proof of I.D. may be required. Please be aware that some of the material covered may be sensitive in nature.

Crime Club web thumb-114321.jpg

High Pavement, Nottingham

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