Footfall - Art Installation

Today - Sunday 28 January 2024

At The National Justice Museum

Price £8.75 - £13.25
Times 10:00 - 17:00

This is part of the paid admission

This evocative art installation, currently exhibited in the museum's double cell, was created by men living in HMP Humber, in response to a pair of handmade slippers from our collection of historic objects.


Using found prison materials including tea leaves, cardboard, coffee whitener sachets and cleaning scourers, the men cast these concrete shoes from old worn-out government-issue footwear.


Positioned with this authentic gaol space, each carefully placed pair of shoes, stand firmly on the ground. Each carries the weight of a sentence.


This installation was made possible through a partnership developed between the National Justice Museum, NOVUS and GRAFT Studio’s Art Department at HMP Humber. It will be in situ until 28th January 2024, as part of the Ingenuity exhibition.


High Pavement, Nottingham

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