Junior Detectives


At The National Justice Museum

Price £9.95 - £10.95
Times 10:00 - 15:00

Journey back to Victorian Nottingham and solve the case of the escaped prisoner in this interactive children's adventure!

Suitable for all ages but specifically aimed at children 5 to 10 years old, this family-friendly activity takes place in the Victorian streets of our Narrow Marsh museum experience.


You will become one of the different families living in the slum and help our detective search for an escaped convict before he commits another crime. Search the different areas of Narrow Marsh, seeking out clues and solving puzzles. Once you’ve finished gathering your evidence, you will be escorted to the Grand Courtroom to go through your findings and solve the case!


Adult: £9.95
Child: £10.95
(All children must be accompanied by a paying adult)


  • 1 hour 30-minute event
  • Chocolate coin prize money*

Morning session from 10am - 11.30am

Afternoon session from 1.30pm - 3pm


*Ticket price does not include Museum admission

Junior Detective Main Image-114321.jpg (1)

High Pavement, Nottingham

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