Make It Yours: June 2024


At The National Justice Museum

Price Free
Times 10:00 - 12:00

You’re invited to drop into our Creative Courtyard and make something inspired by the museum collection.


Our creative sessions are free and open to all. Join us to make and create together and contribute to our growing museum! The sessions will be led by artists, makers, and writers, all influenced by this unique museum. You do need to book your free ticket to attend:


Friday 7 June, 10am-12pm - Body and Space Drawing Workshop
With Marcia Porto, you will exercise your eye and perception, concentrating on gestural expressive details.


Friday 14 June, 10am-12pm - Found Poetry - Special Nottingham Poetry Festival Workshop
View the Juvenile In Justice exhibition through a new creative perspective and produce multiple poems in response to the exhibition with Oak Lawrenson.


Friday 21 June, 10am-12pm - Our Home - Special Refugee Week Workshop
Use collage materials such as magazine images, photocopies, buttons, lace, fibres and fabric, letter stamps and posca pens to create their unique little version of home.


Friday 28 June, 10am-12pm - Rethinking Rehabilitation and Justice for All
In this workshop with Paula Daniel Pontes, you will make transfer prints inspired by words and drawings exploring alternative ways of rehabilitating young people caught up in criminal justice. 


If you are unable to attend the Make it Yours Workshop please email info@ to cancel your place

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High Pavement, Nottingham