In 1923, suffragettes set fire to timber sheds at Nottingham’s Great Central Railway Station. The fire was part of a larger campaign that used art, debate, action, and propaganda to demand women’s right to vote in UK public elections. Poetry has long been a force for revolutionary thinking. It is often read at demonstrations to rally collective feeling and call for action.
This workshop considers the political energy of poetry and its incendiary potential – both in theory and practice. In the workshop, you will first explore revolutionary poetry of Diane di Prima, Anna Mendelssohn and Bernadette Mayer, by looking at the use of form, structure and message. You'll consider how far these poems are modes of revolt and how effective they are in promoting their revolutionary ideas. Following this, you will be guided through exercises to create your own feminist poetics of revolt. What will you choose to (metaphorically!) set fire to in your poem? What might your poetry detonate?
This event is part of the University of Nottingham's festival Hub programme.
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