Matt Hollins: Wimbledon's Oldest Ball Boy!


At The Navigation

Price £6
Times 20:00 - 21:00

Hollins has had an interesting 20 year career in comedy, but it psles into insignificance compared to his early working life, from a brief job influencing the Cabinet in Downing Street, to a promising acting career in Australia, to rubbing shoulders with the greats of grass court tennis as an over aged ball boy. Hollins had the world at his feet at his world but threw it away to be a Stand Up Comedian. Come and enjoy the latest solo show from the former Leicester Mercury Comedian of the Year! 


"Wonderful and Unique" Joe Lycett, 

"Hollins has a Definite Touch of Class" Nott's Comedy Reviewer, "A Genuine Original" Leicester Mercury.

Matt Hollins-114535.png

6 Wilford Street, Nottingham

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